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Cookie Walk

Dear Band Parents,


The Bay City Central winter band concert is Tuesday, December 11th. From 5:00-7:00pm, just prior to the concert, we will be having our annual cookie walk, which is where we sell a wide variety of cookies baked and donated by the wonderful band bakers... that's you :)  We are asking for 5-6 dozen cookies per baker to be dropped off starting at 4:00pm in the hallway near the auditorium.  You may also be able to make arrangements to drop them off earlier in the band room by contacting Mrs. Keenan.  The type of cookie is totally up to you, and you can bring them in disposable containers or in your own container with your name on it so we can return it to you. You do not need to package cookies for individual or sale by the dozen.  Our customers will pick and chose the variety they want to be packed into bakery boxes to take home.


If baking is not your thing (or even if it is) we will also be needing several parents to help setup and sell the cookies. 


Please respond by calling me at 989 280-2028 ASAP if you are able to help us by baking or working the event.  Some of you have already told me that you are baking - THANK YOU!  Please just send me a quick response to remind me.  If I missed removing your name (student graduated) when cleaning up my list, just let me know and I will remove you from future emails.  I look forward to hearing from you!


Thank you,


Brenda Kaufman

Band Booster Trustee

989 280-2028 cell

989 892-7358 home